
Samsung Galaxy Fold: Is it Worth the Upgrade

It’s been a year since the initial release of the Samsung Galaxy Fold. However, some, if not many are still amazed and in awe of the technology behind the design and engineering applied to come up with a phone that has a flexible screen. It took more than eight years for designers and engineers to realize such a phone that features new pliant adhesive as well as complex composite polymers designed to enable a bendy display. When we all first heard of the concept of a bendy phone, we thought it was just a fad that can only be achieved in fantasy/sci-fi films. However, the Samsung Galaxy Fold serves as a tangible proof; no wonder its retail price is capped at $2000. With that said, a haunting question revolves around phone lovers whether or not it is worth the upgrade

Galaxy Fold Aesthetics

At first touch, there is no doubt that the Samsung Galaxy Fold is a solid piece of art. The phone emanates a soothing snap each time you fold it leaving a stimulating reminder of the hoary flip phones. This candy bar of a phone is satisfying to the eye and leaves a longstanding glazing feeling. The functionality of Samsung Galaxy Fold is out of this world. You can opt for the outer screen just like any other phone, which lays a view ground of 4.6-inches giving you a finite real estate. However, that’s for convenience purposes, especially when you’re not stationary. Most of the highlights come forth when you flip it open to expose the inner flexible 7.3-inch display. 

For multitaskers, the functionality of Galaxy Fold is ideal. By swiping to the left from right, you get a row of apps which allow you to open up to 3 different programs simultaneously. Actually, the count of active apps at a go is 4, considering the aptitude of bringing up an additional app in the floating window. 

Stand out features:

  • Fingerprint scanner on the side of the phone
  • Dual battery adds up to 4,380mAh
  • Opens multiple apps simultaneously
  • Comes with 6 cameras mounted

Samsung Galaxy Storage & Battery Life

Galaxy Fold uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor and offers up to 512GB in storage memory. What stands out the most is the RAM which adds up to 12GB, giving the phone ability to flawlessly handle multiple apps at once. The bonus feature of Qi wireless charging is a welcome one as it comes graced by Samsung’s PowerShare technology that allows you to power up other devices. With such a phone, you can take a break from searching for Mac repair solutions and work from your Galaxy Fold.

The App continuity feature, as Samsung calls it, wasn’t flawless from the word go. And that wasn’t due to the Galaxy Fold’s failure to process multiple tasks, though. It had something to do with its technology being ahead of the Android platform. However, with Android Q released in the fourth quarter of 2019, these issues have toned down and the phone operates like a champ. Of course, some apps and games will find it difficult when it comes to compatibility with most of them excelling in a 16:9 letterbox prospect. 

Galaxy Fold battery life is outstanding. The phone is fitted with two batteries on each side projecting a combined 4,380mAh. With that power, the phone can get you through your normal day folded or opened easily. To test its capacity, we streamed an HD video over a Wi-Fi network in full brightness utilizing the big screen and it lasted for 12 hours. 

Galaxy Fold Camera Features

Moving on to the fun part which excites most individuals, the Galaxy Fold hauls a total of 6 cameras. This means you won’t run out of angles and ways of taking selfies while holding the Galaxy Fold in your palm. The cameras are distributed equally to both the back and the front. The front end features a 10-MP camera positioned just above the screen with the second and third cameras of 12-MP for selfies and 8-MP for enhanced portrait stylized shots prevailing on the interior. Turning to where the real talent lies, the back end of the Galaxy Fold is as interesting as it could be. Jammed with an ultra-wide 16-MP camera complimented by a wide-angle 12-MP and 2x telephoto cameras, your imagination is the only limit. Check out tested malware removal guides to learn how best to protect your Galaxy Fold.

Galaxy Fold Drawbacks

From first glance, the Galaxy Fold shows an eminent crease. However, upon using it, you get to realize that it is less-distracting as you would have anticipated. As you continue using the phone, the crease fades away ultimately becoming less noticeable than a scratch on the screen. With that said, from time to time, you will still notice the crease depending on light ambience. Therefore, it’s safe to say that even though Samsung pushed to its limits to bring this state-of-the-art technology, it couldn’t defy constraints on the material. And for that reason, this will serve as an imperfection to some individuals giving a cohesive reason to doubt its worth.

Moreover, the thickness of the device is a daunting factor for many. Although you’re bound to get used to it, it’s the first impressions that make you decide whether or not to buy it. One thing for sure is that the thickness is a dealbreaker to skin-jeans and tight-pants lovers. To make matters worse, there is also the price tag factor attached to the phone which has caused a huge concern to many. The phone costs double the amount of the most premium flagships. You can get a Galaxy Fold at a retail price of $1,980 in the United States and €2,000 in Europe. These are hefty figures if we are to consider it is a V1 device. Therefore, the device is likely to attract individuals obsessed with the utmost cutting edge technology. 

Final Thoughts

With no doubt, the Galaxy Fold is a case of cool technology. However, since it is the first of its kind, it needs to go through the first-generation phase for it to become relevant to many. There are a lot of edges that still need to be polished for it to reach its full potential. Otherwise, people will remain divided pointing out the goofy looks when folded and the annoying crease etc. Is it worth the upgrade? Well, if you are one of the early adopters who enjoy playing with cool stuff that other kids don’t have, you can go for it. However, as for the rest, learn how to delete junk files and folders from your phone first before considering the Fold as your next purchase.